1. Cut my hair really short.I do love short hairstyle. It's boyish, it's provocative, it's sexy. But only if nature granted you with certain kind of appearance. The point is you have to be really slim, high cheekbones are required, and your face should be perfectly oval. I have always had some vague dreams about acquiring an extreme but charming hairstyle, but I invariably stick to the long straight look my hair has now (by the way, the only one approved by my boyfriend).
2. Wear skinny jeans on a daily basis.In fact, any jeans (skinny jeans just seem more sensible to me - I want the shape of my legs to be seen and admired). Well, I adore the plain white t-shirt + blue jeans look on photographs, but I'm afraid it wouldn't work on me. Or haven't I just found the proper tee and the proper jeans?
3. Wear thick wool socks over tights.
Hélas! No way I could do it.
4. Buy only basics.
I'm trying hard. So it's not because I don't like the idea I'd never do it, it's because I'm not sure I will ever be able to limit my wardrobe to simple-and-elegant clothes. It's quite hard to find real basics. What shops suggest you is the result of some weird fantasy applied to a piece of cloth. And being extremely picky leads you nowhere.
Plus, combining basics is the easiest way. And we want challenge, don't we?
5. Wear oversized (men's) clothes.
As a normal girl of 18, I love men's clothes. I do sometimes steal things from my boyfriend's wardrobe. And I keep feeling guilty every time I do it, thinking 'Girl, it's no good to wear men's pullover with those...hm...feminine hips of yours'.
What a shame!